"Wednesday's Wardrobe Advice" from Shane Burke for the Stylish Guide at StylishGuy Menswear Dublin

Wednesday's Wardrobe Advice

If Carlsberg did wardrobes...

Everybody you meet has something to teach you.

This week The Stylish Guy can teach you the best wardrobe advice.

Dressing well is a way of life - let your wardrobe reflect that.

Wednesday's Wardrobe Advice from Shane Burke for the StylishGuide at StylishGuy Menswear Dublin


1. If it Doesn't Fit, It Has to Go

Your clothes are meant to fit you and your lifestyle. If something doesn't fit GET RID OF IT.

It's taking up valuable space and the constant reminder it doesn't fit is affecting you negatively.

 Build a wardrobe where everything makes you feel comfortable, confident, and stylish.

Fossil green salo shorts from Marc O'Polo available at StylishGuy Menswear Dublin

2. In with something NEW, out with something OLD.

Keep your wardrobe fresh and concise.

Choose quality items that will last.

Simple style is the way forward.

GANT Rawson Green Leather Retro Inspired Trainers available at StylishGuy Menswear Dublin

3. Organisation is Key

If you can't see it you won't wear it.

Have a place for everythingFold carefully and use thin non-slip hangers.

 This will also save you money buying doubles you already have.

Marc O'Polo Navy Washed Authentic Look Short Sleeve Poloshirt available at StylishGuy Menswear Dublin

4. What are you Waiting For?

Keeping your best items up for good use?

 Why would you rarely wear an item that makes you feel your best?

 Wear your best clothes all the time.

Look good all the time. FEEL GREAT all the time.

Men's Organic Cotton Pink T-Shirt from Marc O'Polo at StylishGuy Menswear Dublin

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